Your Chance To Join My Power University MasterMind
For ALL My Cash Frameworks & Motivation

WARNING: The results shown on this page are NOT typical, they are from hardcore experienced already successful entrepreneurs. However if you are looking for proven, time tested expert advise to guide your business to profitability. THIS IS FOR YOU

From The Desk Of Ricky Mataka

If you are looking for a team who has been in the marketing trenches with over 20+ years experience  & has generated multiple millions per year... and you NEED Expert Guided Advise. THIS IS FOR YOU!
If you Want To Learn How To
Do Internet Marketing Like A Pro (Then Read On)
Crushing 6 Figure Promotions 
$151K In 9 Days!
$63K In 9 Days!
128K In 4 Days Winning A Car!
$800K In 11 Days With Expert Promotions
Putting Consistent Money In The Bank
How About Crushing Affiliate Offers 
$42K In 12 Days All Facebook
What Chris Record Said...
$1.1Million In 1 Affiliate Account
$23K In 7 Days Via ClickBank
Cold Traffic Issues? (Not A Problem)
I literally Just Did This Stuff :)
Jamming Cold Traffic!
$8K Invested?? $203K! BOOM!
209K+ Promotion In 30 Days
Another 217K+ Promotion In 30 Days
and... it keeps going & going....
$6K Invested $43K Returned
1.7 Million People Reached??
$30K Followers In 14 Days?
18,000 Clicks To My Offers!
Or How About 350K Fans?
Bottom Line I Know What Im Doing

I Have Been Documenting & Recording
What I Have Done To Produce BIG Results
You Get It All + More With Our Members Mastermind

Here is Just Some Of What Will Be Covered
Here is how it works
For a real limited time, Im holding a 4 week group coaching offer to work on your businesses and show you everything I'm doing and whats working for me right now
in the past 90 days I have done 200K with no launch.. very few JVS and scalable traffic systems.. I can help you dial in your offers and conversions

We will be covering:

- Webinar Cycles & Marketing

- Traffic & Creative Optimization

- Funnel Optimization

- Product & Service Auditing (Compelling Offers)

- Social Media Marketing Strategies 

- Lead Generation and Advanced Traffic Strategy

- Affillate Marketing 

- Product Launching 

- Ecommerce Marketing

This will be 1 to 2 calls a week for 4 weeks and a private 30 minute consulting with you personally (Starting REAL soon details in the group)

You will gain access to my "Work With Ricky Private Mentoring Group" where I will be giving you tremendous resources I have acquired through the years. 

Whether You're NEW or a Veteran. I got business growth vehicles for every level of marketer.
Price: $497
Create Winners
Ever made a product that didn't pan out? I know I did. But I have figured out the way to dust off squeaky products and turn them into irresistible offers. I will show you how I turn $97 dollar products into $997 products (Its easier then you think
Domination Of 
Online Traffic
We will take behind the scenes inside our traffic business monthly. Here is where you will get Up2date FIRE info as we are spending multiple thousands on traffic. You wont get any fresher info then this!
Creating Winning 
I have spent over $1.5 Million building an advanced eCommerce Automation platform over 3 years. I created many multiple 6 figure platforms. I will reveal what I learned and how you can duplicate
Ninja Email Techniques
I have made millions via email marketing and can show you exactly how to ramp up your email marketing till its spitting 6 figures!
 Affiliate Marketing
On Fire
Affiliate marketing stratigies I have used to dominate leader boards, win cars and get healthy 5-6 figure paychecks!
Scaling Thousands
Of Leads
We run social media traffic for many business models other than webinars and ecommerce. I will show you show to scale leads!
Mistakes I Made Scaling Businesses 
I have went broke 3 times in my business of 10+ years. I will show you what mistakes not to make! Saving you THOUSANDS
$200K+ Promotion Formulas
I have done multiple 6 Figure Webinars repetitively! I will show you the full webinar cycle and how you can copy my success! 
The Tools Of The Trade
My marketing tool box is insane. I will cover the tools u need and ones I have made well over 7 figures with. This is must having marketing!! 
Scaling Ecommerce 
How To Properly Setup and Scale Multiple Ecommerce Businesses and Brands, this is From PURE RAW Experience
Advanced A.I Tech
How TO Use Advanced A.I Frameworks To Automate Your Ecommerce & Replace Teams
Fast Dropshipping
Will Teach You How To Source Products, Get Best Rates, Deal With Suppliers & Much More!
I Will Jam You With Marketing Material & Expert Guidance That Will FORCE YOU TO GROW!!
Check Out What Some Industry Experts Said At
My Last High Ticket Event Cost $2500 Just To Come
$1.81c Leads Implementing Stratigies I Taught At The EVENT!!
So Here Is The Deal!
I want to deliver you nothing but MASSIVE Value & Massive Quality From Every Angle Of Marketing!

We BOTH have helped countless students & even Industry leaders reach the multiple 6 to 7 figure level throughout my career! 

During this journey, We are going to literally extract Our brain, The systems, The processes and everything that made us multiple millions throughout the years!
Getting In With Me & Robert
Is Getting Whats Working NOW!
The Results Stand Out When You
Truly Help People Succeed.
FACT: I have hundreds of these, but I don't want to over whelm you
You Build Amazing Programs
That Automate Peoples Lives
You Set Out To Make An Impact!
Traveling Across The USA To Change Peoples Lives!
Now Let's Have Some Real Talk Shall We?
Your Reading This Like Any Other Offer... BUT...
Does This Sound Familiar?

It wasn't always this way for me..
. I have to pinch myself at times to realize after countless years of failure that I am where I am today!

Like you, after buying countless online money making courses, and never getting any real actionable info... 
I always felt there was a “missing piece” to the puzzle. 
I was in debt, I was scared. I wanted to QUIT...  

I consulted with friends and family members, only for them to tell me straight:


But I KNEW there was something out there -OR- SomeONE that could lead me in the right direction to success.. 

Am I right? 

Well, guess what...
I had a brutal head injury and I almost died
I woke up in the hospital days later and didn’t even know I was... My doctor informed me that I was minutes from death (and that most people with my injury didn’t survive).

It was very SCARY to say the least.
So to make a long story short... 

My injury left me $50,000 in debt from all the Hospital Bills. And I had NO WAY TO PAY IT!

It was late 2002, I was coming off a massive bout of depression and was living in my fathers basement at the time. 

Being $50,000 in debt, and living with your parents… I had little to no real money in the bank
I HAD To Find A Way Out. 
But I Knew I Could Not Sit There 
... and DO Nothing About It.
I had this MASSIVE hospital bill and I was broke. So I had to swallow my pride and beg my family to take out a loan to pay this HUGE hospital bill off. I swore I would repay it some how, some way! And from that day forward...
So I started experimenting with anything and EVERYTHING I could get my hands on...
I tried selling ebooks in 2003…

I tried building my first eCommerce Arbitrage Platform from 2004-2006… 

And I tried all kinds of other stuff, like… 

- Banner Ads 
- PPV Marketing 
- Kindle Book Creation 
- AdWords PPC Marketing 
- Designing iPhone apps 
- SEO 
- Email Marketing 

You name it, I was trying to do it! All on a Shoe String Budget to say the least…

My closet is STILL filled with Internet Marketing courses going all the way back to 2003 (it’s embarrassing...but i keep them to remind me of what i went through). 
I would make some money here and there... But nothing that would let me QUIT being a slave to client work, where everyone I worked for thought they owned me AND my time!!
I only had a few hours a day I could dedicate to my marketing dream, while the bills kept piling up.

To make it online, you needed a product.. but that came with content, members area, sales material, hosting, auto responders, payment gateways and so much was all VERY overwhelming.

YET each business model had its own many variables that had me going off in so many different directions that i ended up even more confused than when i started...
So after wasting thousands of dollars and countless hours on failure... I almost gave up!
Flash Today.. Someone With Very Little To No
Experience Or Money Can Still Achieve Financial Success Online!
What I learned is It all comes down to systems and processes and following them religiously, but also following the right systems

(Which Is Something I Had Been Missing All These Years!)

And that’s exactly what I came to realize:

You CAN create a profitable online business (even if you’re a complete beginner) simply by following the right systems.

All you need is a set of simple, effective, and PROVEN steps to follow…

So it’s time to FORGET what all the online “gurus” and fly-by-night marketers tell you…

Because You Can’t Build A Successful Online Business Without The Right Systems…
BUT!! Once I Figured Out
The Right Systems & Processes
Thats When My Online Sales Exploded!
Let me explain exactly what you need to know to finally achieve the success and freedom you’ve been promised
You’re probably just not doing them in the right order and/or lacking the focus you needed to CONNECT the dots.

See right now you are probably very close, but just not QUITE there right? 

You feel like you get it... 

Let me make a prediction here:

You've likely tried doing some things to make money online, but you had little to no success.  

You’re frustrated seeing screenshot after screenshot of other people’s success, but you’re clueless on how to do it yourself. 

Am I Right?

Well, let me tell you...
What’s makes it even WORSE is when you see these GURUS talk about how:
Here’s the problem with that:

If you just ‘keep following’ the wrong WAY you’ll never get success you’re looking for.  

See success doesn’t just happen by accident, not the least in online businesses.

And that’s a FACT. Top selling product’s don’t just get created by an accident... 

...nor do the buyers stumble upon it by accident. 


What if I could show YOU how to take out the guesswork...

And GIVE you the exact same simple and easy-to-follow strategies that bring me massive paydays like I shown you ALL OVER this very page?
What If We Can Eliminate YOUR Fear and Uncertainty By Showing You Exactly What Works For Us?
Here’s the truth: You’re closer to having your
own big 
paydays then you think!
Now You Have A Choice To Make
You can continue down the same beaten path for the next few years and can keep struggling. In the end, you’ll waste more time and money and will probably end up quitting and giving up like the other 96% of people who venture into the realms of BIG money online.

You’ll follow some more GURUs and buy their cheap, thrown together and rehashed information... 

...and STILL not have any real system or processes in place to actually make it WORK. 

Which leads me to…
You’re ready to STOP doubting yourself and your abilities. You’re sick of seeing 6 and 7 figure success stories and you’re ready to become one YOURSELF!

And let me tell you: 

You’re closer than you think. - You KNOW deep inside you NEED the right knowledge, the right systems and & processes, so you can to skip years ahead and start selling NOW. 

This is the best time EVER to be online! But you need a competitive advantage and the right info, system processes, network and people to follow.

There is no smoke and mirrors here - I promise you that. Every word you read today on this page is the direct output of my experiences learned from 2001.

It’s time now you stop playing games and make the investment in yourself. 

👇 👇 👇

So How Much Does This Cost Ricky?
The price of this is not set in stone.

BUT Im so confident that we can help you, I want to prove it to you by
giving you quality and value first. The rest comes later for both of us. 

I know I could be charging lots more for this.. 


Here's the big thing :

For every 50 members I get after the initial offering, I will increase the price of this...

So This means if you get in NOW you will pay a significantly lower price than someone who gets in a month or 2 from now.
So Here Is Whats Included On The Front... Massive Value

Whats Included With The Mastermind

  • Up To Date Information On Whats Working Right Now! - I will report to you the newest ways of lead generation, both Free & Paid and using advanced softwares you do not know exist
  • Premier Over The Shoulder Training - We do LIVE and Premier Marketing training throughout the year and you will be invited to WHATS working now!
  • Rickys Rolodex Of Resources For Your Business - Need a merchant, need what email softwares are working, need resources from my network, you got it!
  • Access To My Most Guarded Content - Advanced Training Videos On Many Business Models & Everything I Do To Make Multiple 7 Figures Online
  • Access To Ricky & My Private Power University Mastermind Group To Keep You Accountable!
  • ​Access To Sell Our High Converting Internal Products with BIG Commissions, you wont find these on Click Bank (Yes We Have ALOT you can Sell and MAKE BANK WITH)
  • Plus its in our nature to over deliver! You want to be on the team!

Ricky Bonuses Included With At No Extra Cost

  • My 235K Webinar LIVE in Vegas. You get my LIVE speech I did in front of 1000 people in Vegas teaching advanced webinar closing strategies
  • Un Released Content: Like My Social Media Domination Plans! (Closed Door Employee Training)
    I have more GOLDEN conversion content loaded for you in the members area to help get you going NOW!
  • How To Become A Super Affiliate & Robert On A.I Traffic & Much More

35K In A Single Weekend

Just A Normal 7 Days... (Yea Last Week)

Join Power University Now!!

Get Access Below
Hassle FREE Cancel Any Time
You Are Getting Everything Listed On This Page!
  • Up To Date Information On
    Whats Working Right Now!
  • Newest Traffic Tips, Resources & Lead Generation
    Strategies Handed To You
  • Live Over The Shoulder Help You Calls & New Videos
  • Rickys Rolodex Of Resources For Your Business
  • Access To Private Power University Members Area With Massive
    Close Guarded Marketing GOLD 
  • Access To Ricky Special Cash & Traffic Frameworks
  • Advanced Ecommerce Training & A.I Training
  • Insane Bonuses That You Will Not Find Anywhere Else From Ricky & Team
  • 7 Figure Guest Star Interviews & More

👇 👇 👇

Action Takers Wanted!!

    Thats It! No Hype No B.S Just Real Massive Action

    We look forward to training you on how to make create massive success using simple but massively effective strategies you can take to the bank!

    Any quick questions email or Text +1 (732) 908-1467
    & yes that goes to my iPhone.

    - Ricky Mataka & Robert Nava

    Ricky Mataka

    ** Insane Bonus Just Added **
    50 22 Spots Only
    15 Minute LIVE One on One Ads Audit Call With Ricky
    Its a fact I charge $1000 an hour for my time, and up to $25K for my done for you consulting services. However I decided to donate some of my time to help you
    with your burning ads questions personally!

    So if you pick this offer up before we start on February 10th @ 2PM EST
    I will have a schedule link for you to book 15 minutes of my time with
    you personally. So make sure you have your most burning ads questions ready!

    The price you will pay at checkout is the price for the first month. The first month is more expensive due to the high time investment Ricky makes in taking on new clients and ensuring your plan is designed for YOU. After the initial first month cost, you will be charged the normal monthly rate starting the second month. You will be responsible to pay on the same day of the month as your initial signup.
    Copyright © 2024+ Divorce The Boss Marketing, LLC. 
    For product support, please contact us
    Here at Divorce The Boss Marketing We make every effort possible to make sure that we accurately represent our products and services and their potential for income & results. Earning, income, and results statements made by our company and its customers are estimates of what we think you can possibly earn. There is no guarantee that you will make these levels of income and you accept the risk that the earnings and income statements differ by individuals.

    As with any business, your results may vary, and will be based on your individual effort, business experience, expertise, and level of desire. There are no guarantees concerning the level of success you may experience. The testimonials and examples used are exceptional results, which do not apply to the average purchaser, and are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results. Each individual’s success depends on his or her background, dedication, desire and motivation.

    There is no assurance that examples of past earnings can be duplicated in the future. We cannot guarantee your future results and/or success. There are some unknown risks in business and on the internet that we cannot foresee which can reduce results. We are not responsible for your actions.

    The use of our information, products and services should be based on your own due diligence and you agree that our company is not liable for any success or failure of your business that is directly or indirectly related to the purchase and use of our information, products and services.

    Divorce The Boss Marketing, LLC. (aka Slingly) is a company dedicated to helping people achieve their self-education, and self-employment goals. We provide quality online training programs to people who seek freedom of time, and freedom of location.
    This site is not a part of the Facebook website or Facebook Inc. This site is not a part of Google™ or the network of sites such as Youtube™ or any company owned by Google™ or Youtube™. Additionally this website is not endorsed by Google™ Youtube™ or Facebook Inc. in any way. Google™ is a trademark for all their respective companies, FACEBOOK™ is a trademark of FACEBOOK, Inc.